Friday, November 16, 2012

New Work

 Here are some images of work that I have completed and things in progress from this week.

This piece will hold an air pump on the inside of the main slab construction. A balloon will go on the inside of the round piece with the cutouts on it and bulge out of the openings when inflated.

Here is the air pump I will be incorporating into a piece. This week I found a motion sensor that I can use as a switch to turn the pump on and off. Mike and Aaron helped me figure out some basic wiring issues I was having and how to wire it to a plug. When some one walks by the sensor, it starts the pump. The pump stays on for 12 seconds then the balloon immediately deflates. Also, the sensor allows me to adjust the range and timer, so I have control over how close someone has to be to start the pump. 

 I started this piece a couple days ago. It will be hand cranked piece with two pistons on the backside in sliding tracks. I am playing around with the form and perspective of the slab construction. It is still essentially a box, but is more architectural and whimsical. There are two valves on the right side making it appear as if there is an additional function or outcome of the piece. Also, I am going to use a metal shaft, allowing it to spin more freely.

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